Saint Nick's Post-Christmas Relaxation

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Twas the day after Christmas, at Blue Sky Spa’s door,
Saint Nick arrived, feet sore, spirits sore;
His suit was all hung in a room with great care,
In hopes that relaxation soon would be there.

The therapists were ready, with smiles, oh so bright,
While Saint Nick settled in, escaping the cold winter’s night;
With a robe and a towel, in a room so serene,
He was ready for a break, a tranquil scene.

When in the massage room, there arose such a calm,
As hands worked magic, like a soothing balm.
The scent of herbs filled the air, a relaxing delight,
As Saint Nick let go of the long, festive night.

The skills of the masseurs, so lively and quick,
Made Saint Nick feel anew, no longer tired or sick.
With each stroke and knead, they worked with great care,
Bringing peace to Saint Nick, light as air.

"Now Reflexology! now, Facial! now, Hand Patch and more!
On, Soothing! on, Relaxing! let tensions out the door!
From the tips of his toes, to the top of his head,
Erase all the weariness, bring comfort instead!"

As leaves that before the autumn winds fly,
When they meet with the ground, in peace, they lie,
So onto a massage table Saint Nick he flew,
With a heart full of gratitude, and newfound vigor too.

And then, in a whisper, he felt such release,
The kneading and pressing, each move a piece.
As he closed his eyes, and was turning around,
Into a state of tranquility, he was profoundly bound.

He was wrapped in a robe, from his head to his foot,
And his worries dissolved, no trace of soot;
A blend of essential oils he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a sage, free from any lack.

His eyes—how they sparkled! his dimples now merry!
His cheeks were like roses, freed from the flurry!
His relaxed little smile was drawn up like a bow,
And the warmth in his heart began to glow.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his rest,
And enjoyed all the treatments, feeling truly blessed;
And laying his finger aside of his smile,
He nodded in thanks, contented all the while.

He sprang from the spa, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew, swift as a missile.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy relaxation to all, and to all a good spa night!

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Continuing the Legacy of ST. Nicholas’ Gift